Thursday, August 28, 2008

Word of the Day: Megalopinakophobia

It gives me utter delight to share with you my finding of the day. Never before did I come across a word as apt to describe what I have always felt during the long hours of Matlab simulations (occasionally culminating in intense despair thanks to crashes.) So here it goes:

Megalopinakophobia (měg'ə-lō-pēn'ə-kō-fō'bē-ə) n.

1. Fear of large matrices.
2. Abnormality characterized by excessive fondness for Fourier methods.
3. Fear of large paintings.
[Gk. megas, great + pinakas, matrix or painting + phobos, fear]

And, as a gesture of gratitude, I would like to cite the sources:


  1. Congrats! You've just made your blog the number 1 search result for " Megalopinakophobia" on google :-)
    I think, more than a megalopinakophobic, you're a megalopinakomaniac or perhaps just a maniac :P

  2. This is how I felt when I went to the louvre and saw that wall mural of napolean.. oh wait.. that is the other meaning :)

    on the "megalo" note.. how about megalomania JD :)?

  3. Anonymous7:08 PM

    I Love it!!!
    This is my new fav. word of the month!!!!! :)

    AWESOME!!! how did you come across this one?

  4. @revati: Stumbled upon it in course of doing research. ;-) The second citation, to be precise. :-)

  5. Anonymous11:58 PM

    Seriously.. this is a really good find!!
