It gives me utter delight to share with you my finding of the day. Never before did I come across a word as apt to describe what I have always felt during the long hours of Matlab simulations (occasionally culminating in intense despair thanks to crashes.) So here it goes:
Megalopinakophobia (měg'ə-lō-pēn'ə-kō-fō'bē-ə) n.1. Fear of large matrices.
2. Abnormality characterized by excessive fondness for Fourier methods.
3. Fear of large paintings.
[Gk. megas, great + pinakas, matrix or painting + phobos, fear]
And, as a gesture of gratitude, I would like to cite the sources:
- "Megalopinakophobia: its symptoms and cures," Proc. SPIE, Vol. 4320, 299 (2001)
- Lectures on Image Science